שחקו במשחק מקוון Asteroids1:

שחקן אחד, פלאש, חלל, חלליות, חייזרים | (749 KB) תאריך הוספה 22 Sep 2012
הוסף לרשימת 3 המשחקים הטובים שלך
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Asteroids is awesome online free space game. Press start baton and start playing this cool game. Your aim is to shoot the asteroids when they come near you. When you shoot an asteroid it doesn’t disappear it divides into two smaller, and when you shoot them they are dividing in even smaller until it disappear. Be careful you are not only threaten by the asteroids, there is a space ship too. This space ship is shooting at you all the time, you must shoot back to destroy it. Instructions are: use space bar to shoot, turn the space ship with left or right arrow keys, and use up and down arrow keys to move the space ship forward. If an asteroid knocks into you or if you are hit by the evil ship the game is over. But there is an option to play this game again. Have fun and enjoy playing this fun online space game!

איך משחקים:

Use arrow keys to move ship, use space for shooting.

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