שחקו במשחק מקוון Make Lobster Thermidor:

פלאש, בישול | (1.39 MB) תאריך הוספה 21 Jan 2014
הוסף לרשימת 3 המשחקים הטובים שלך
608 משחקים
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הצבע: אהבתם את המשחק?


Do you favor French food? Do you like to give surprise to your near and dear ones by cooking a very special recipe for them? Join this cooking game and find that Lobster Thermidor is a French dish which is consisting of a creamy mixture of cooked lobster meat, egg yolks, and cognac or brandy, stuffed into a lobster shell and can be really awesome for any special occasion. So don't waste any time, follow the simple steps to complete this yummy preparation at your kitchen right now. Once done serve it among the friends and family. Enjoy and have fun girls!

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Make Lobster Thermidor
Make Lobster Thermidor
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